Saturday, March 27, 2004

Day 4

Miss. Good morning. How are you?
Day 4 of quitting smoking. I have to lock myself away from temptation for the weekend. I have to stay away from Bolago because of the sweeties that can be found there. I have to stay away from G, who called to say he had pot last night. I have to stick to my diet and not slide into any food substitution thing.
I think I'm going to go pump up the tyres on my bike and go for a ride.
This is a very intense, unrelenting feeling. You want it to stop, but it’s like being on one of those adrenaline pumping rides at the show. You have to sit on the edge and hang on, you have to ride it out, it won’t be over until it’s over, no matter how much you wish, you have to endure it to it’s bone rattling conclusion.
I've kind of tricked myself into liking the feeling. It actually feels like I'm tripping - it's the same body hums as that.
Unlike tripping, I'd like it to stop now.

OK miss breath deep...
Hey, I was planning on coming over round 6 to go to the footy, and coming back with Glenn before taking him off to the laird...
Was also planning at staying in yr house tonight...
Would you prefer that I didn't?

All of that would be just fine. Come stay, I'm not that precious.
I don't have to wrap myself in cotton wool, or anything.
But you will understand if you have to go outside to smoke, hey.

Thanks Christian.
I'm very happy to smoke outside, do it all the time in Ding.
See you round 6ish...
Mayhap you would like to come to the Laird with Glenn W. and I round 10.30?

Yeah, I might come to the Laird. Maybe. See how I feel. I'm feeling a little stressed and it maybe too soon to go into a smoky environment. I'll see. It'll be over in a week, certainly by next weekend.
I'm going to take myself off for a bike ride now. Exercise is the one thing that takes the gnawing feeling away.
Check out “Wog Nuts.” Twenty-year-old wog boy who wants me up his arse. It's tempting... but 20?

Yes 20yrs old, but very tasty indeed!
Ride away Miss, fresh air is good, I hear ☺

SMS. Hey Jamie, that phone number you gave me yesterday got me through to Lorna at meals on wheels – christian

Tom stayed the night. He went to the football with Glenn W. and then to the Laird.

I went and had hot, furious sex with PJ. Straight to his room, tearing each other's cloths off, on his bed on him, cuming all over each other, pulling my clothes back on over the sweat and cum on my body so much so that they stuck to me, and then leaving before he could light a cigarette.

I went to bed at midnight.

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