Monday, July 05, 2004


"Yes, of course I'd want to know," said Adrian. "Because that would be the life that he is leading."

"I don't know. I think it's all over by that stage," said Veronica. "It would mean that I wasn't special enough to have kept his interest."

"I never liked telling, somehow it was mine. It meant that I still had it. The trouble was, I never really knew what it was."

"Something is always broken, afterwards," said V. "That can't be gotten back."

"Too hard. It's human nature," said Adrian. "Why set yourself up to fail? Why deny yourself?"

"So many to choose from."

"I always wanted to meet my soul mate," said Adrian. "Everything else is negotiable, when you've got forever covered."

"You haven't had a partner for years, Adrian," said V. "Who was the last?"

"I don't remember," said Adrian. "It just got easier to work."

"I'm tired of waiting."

"Internet, Saturday night 'That's Adrian'." Adrian made jazz hands. "It's not me."

"Is that the name you use?" asked V. 

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