Friday, December 31, 2021

Tick, Tick, Tick

39 degrees today. We get up early and toke the dogs for a walk, you know, before the world cooks.

I water the garden early before the day gets hot.

I spend most of the day listening to Roberta Flack and eating cashews. It is too hot to do much else. Even fast music seems a struggle.

I have a whole bunch of Joe Cocker Greatest Hits CDs, four to be exact. I upload them into iTunes combining them making, I guess you might call them, mixed tapes with tracks ordered by date.

Sam spends the day receiving parcels, whatever he'd bought online I don't know, and sitting in our bedroom with the aircon on with the bulldogs who are definitely not made for this heat.

We have no plans for New Year. We're just going to hang out at home.

Another year down. Tick.

Happy New Year

- I've been trying to write stuff all week, but none of it has been all that interesting, so, I haven't posted any of it. We've not been doing much, we've just been at home.

I'm now lying on the bed with Sam in the aircon. Maybe I'll trying and make the stuff I have written interesting, I've got a few hours before the end of time the year. (Oh, I wrote this a few hours ago)

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