Tuesday, February 08, 2022

David Heads Home, I Sit Up and Smoke

We binge watched And Just Like That... I liked it. Quite frankly, I can't see what all the negativity has been about.

David heads back home. He forgets his cigarettes, which he leaves outside on the garden table, where we sat and smoked and cracked like old witches while he was here.

I sit up watching White Lotus smoking the last of the cigarettes. 

"Oh, just smoke them and get rid of them," I say to myself.

(David doesn’t even smoke)

"Seriously?" questions Sam.

"What can you do," I say? I shrug.

"Not smoke, that's what you can do," says Sam.

"Oh, honey, if only it was that simple."

"It is that simple." Sam's eyes widened.

I tilt my head. "Out of the mouth of someone who has never smoked." I reach out and touch his chin. He pushes my hand away.

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