Thursday, December 01, 2022


I so wasn't going to waste today, the first of my 2 days off, like I usually do. I was going to do things, achieve, rather than spending the entire day staring at my laptop screen, lying on the couch. 

Oh how I am captured by my laptop. What did I used to do before it? It is hard to remember now.

I was going to start with all those things that need to be done that I have been putting off. Tick off the list, as they say.

Now what those things were, I wondered first thing as I made my first coffee. Hmmmm, not such a good start to a day of achievement, I thought. 

I scratched my head as the coffee brewed, as I gazed out into the garden.

Then I heard Charlie in the shower and I thought about those tap washers that need changing. Then I thought about Charlie in the shower. Shake of the head.

So, I settled in on the couch and read all the news providers with my coffee and Vegemite toast. Breakfast is a trap. 

"I'll just read this while I eat..."

Then, I watched YouTube. All my car programs. And the morning was gone.

I had fried chicken, cooked sardines and coleslaw for lunch. (Yeah, I know that sounds like an odd combination, but it was, actually, okay. Entree of sardines, main course of fried chicken and coleslaw)

After lunch, Bruno and I cuddled up on the couch and slept until 4pm. Bruno crawls in behind me on the couch and acts like a hot water bottle papoose sending me straight off to sleep. Just about every time.

4pm we headed out for a walk.

Now there is a productive day. Hey?

Good decision, Christian. You know, about not wasting the day.

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