Wednesday, March 26, 2025


My work week ends, yay,

It's been hell, ha, ha, easy as.

and my weekend begins, relax and breathe,

just the way it should be.


A couple of days until the weekend proper starts.

Days to myself, you have to love that.

I even got to the gym last Tuesday, think it, do it, as David says, and I thought it and did it, just like that, so I am right on track for two visits this week.

I spoke to my girl trainer a few days ago, essentially apologising for only making it to the gym once a week, lately. She said I should congratulate myself for keeping it up regularly and then try to go twice a week.

So, well done me.

Tuesday, March 25, 2025


I'm up early.

I get stuck into work.

Ah, the gentle sound of a bulldog snoring at my feet accompanies me on the day. 

What would the world be like without the snore of a bulldog?

A little more Tina Turner. What the world needs now is a little more Tina Turner.

And coffee. Oh yes, more coffee. Ha ha. I would never say anything but.

Ah, the morning just drifts away.

Monday, March 24, 2025



What can I say?

I started early,

as I do.

I listened to Tina Turner for most of the day.

I had most of my work down after lunch,

well, what I had to do anyway.

A meeting with my team in the afternoon,

finance boffins,

as boring as they are,

I can't really begin to tell you how boring they really are.

How did I get into this field?

My boss was back for the first time since brain surgery,

he looked okay. Good to have him back, as long as he doesn't insist on me going back to the office.

I thought he might spend a lot more time away,

but you know how those execs are, always something to prove.

We walked the dogs after work.

We ate roast chicken for dinner,

after which I fell asleep on the couch.

Sunday, March 23, 2025

Off To The Country

So, let's try the country trip today...

Lunch in the hills.


Let's go.

The bulldogs always get super excited when they hear the car key jiggle. And I have a keyless entry fob with one house key attached to it, so their hearing is really fine tuned down to the sound of that. All it takes is one, even slight, rattle and they are on it immediately.

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Walk into the City

We were going to go walking in the country, but Otto vomited up his chicken breakfast he got so excited about an immanent car ride that we didn't go.

We walked into the city instead, so Sam could sort out some games he'd bought. He discovered a better deal after he'd bought them, so he returned them. Sam is always looking for a better deal.

We had lunch sitting at the State Library, which was very nice, just sitting in the sun with the green grass as a back drop. The only thing that spoiled it, was some mentally deranged loon came and sat up the other end of the sitting area, screaming sad things at the world passing by him.

Still, the sun shone and it was a lovely day.

Friday, March 21, 2025


Friday, again. Friday just keeps rolling around with regular monotony, now doesn't it. I guess that is good, though, in a sense, as if it didn't roll around, I'm guessing you'd be dead. Hey? Better to have Friday roll around, than the alternative.

But seriously, every time I seem to look up, it is Friday. Thursday always seems to be little more than a blip.

Brun comes downstairs, it's early for him. He gives me a I-need-a-wee look as he heads straight to the back door. He makes a vague attempt at chasing Milo, when he comes back in, which makes me laugh, it is almost over as it begins, then he hops up on the couch next to me, snuffling and sniffing.

It's early, of course, it is still dark outside.

Brun is now snoring. He's my big teddybear.

So, Friday hey? So many options? I could do anything I like. I am powerful, I can do anything. David is always banging on about positive affirmations, so I thought I'd give them a go. They made me feel pretty silly, if I was honest.

Later, I take the dogs for a walk in the rain, let me explain. While the footpaths are still wet from the recent down pour, there is no actual rain falling from the sky, as we head out the door. 

It wouldn't be so bad, not really, they don't care if the rain falls, and it is kind of romantic when it does, even if I am only waling with my two favourite K9s, and not my great love.


And it did rain, and we walked in it, the dogs don't care, before we amended our route to walk mostly under shop awnings.

Now I'm going to the gym.

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Writing, Writing

Day off. Rather than waste my life on YouTube, yet again, I re-wrote my fiction blog all day. I re-wrote a number of old draft entries that have been unfinished for the longest time, and published them, finally.

It was a balmy, blustery, windy kind of day. I don't know if I am weird, but I love the wind. It was overcast and grey, but warm.

I took the dogs for a walk early. Everyone seemed to have the same idea, walk your dog early as it was going to be hot, and while it was kind of hot, it wasn't too hot.

I didn't get to the gym. Bad me.

And the day just disappeared.