Tuesday, March 11, 2025


It was a busy day back after the long weekend. The 01st of March is when everything changes in our company, pay rises, promotions, new baby lawyers, reset, renew, the music stops and everybody stands, so it is always a busy time. Straight after a long weekend, always, so much more to do, with less time to do it in, it's always the way, you've gotta hate that.

Oh universe, I was pulling my hair out, despite having a haircut days before, but I got it done, even if Boris kept giving me the wrong information, which is really unlike her. Grrr. I don't know what she was thinking, or not thinking, as the case may be. Her mind was some where else, clearly. She apologised after each fuck up, profusely after the last couple, which really wasn't necessary, as we are both there just to get things done. No-one is there for recriminations. It will be my turn to fuck up next week, if you know what I mean.

I was thanked for my work. Shrug. I'd rather be writing my blog. Clearly.

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