Saturday, October 30, 2021


I got a haircut, we got a haircut, after 3 months, we needed haircuts. I had longer hair than I have had in I don't know how long. 

We didn't eat breakfast, just coffee, it was the first Saturday out of lockdown and we wanted to get to the hairdresser early.

There was a queue at the hairdresser, even at 9.30am Saturday morning. I sat down in the chair and shuddered when I looked at myself in the mirror. I mean, I have looked at myself in the mirror in the last 3 moths, but that mirror at the hairdresser is so close up and in your face. 

And now it's done. My neck felt cold all day, kind of good cold, pleased to have a cold neck good. I keep rubbing my hand through my hair, it always feels good after a haircut, and it has been a long time since I could do that. 3 months. Funny the things you miss.

We ate Yum Cha afterwards , where there was a surcharge for weekends , and a surcharge for paying by card, ah, the brand new world.

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