Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Baby Faced Liam

Then the heating company sent baby faced Liam. Everything about him was big. Big feet. Big legs. Big thighs. Big arse. Big hands. Tall, of course, with this child's face.

(Ah, to be 18, or 19, again, and have all those people, yet to come, who are going to gag sucking on your big dick. You have such a short time to entrance the world and be entranced by it that you should do everything with everybody, before you settle down and be contented with your lot)

He got the heating going again, with a good showing of arse crack in the process. (white jocks, fine spread of hair in the small of his back. He hadn't been out in the sun recently, that much was clear)

He seemed unsure about himself, uncertain of his place in the world, not long out of the den. Just a pup.

Sam wasn't impressed that they'd sent the junior.

Liam got the system up and running. He said it was all fine. He showed us what to do if the problem happened again.

Sam wanted him to do more checking, and he kind of made a vague acknowledgement of this, you know, played along. But ultimately, he left, missing the real problem with the system altogether. And Sam was to be proven right. The system stopped working again, just after all the tradies headed home, and the temperature outside dropped to single digits.


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