Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Shitting the Bed

5am. Otto had an upset stomach and he shit his bed. Sam got up and cleaned it up, while I pretended to be asleep. 

When I realised what I was doing, I felt bad. Where did this behaviour come from? Is this what I am like?

Sam put Otto back in his bed and turned off the light.

Moments later, Otto shit his clean bed. I got up and grabbed Otto, to try and lessen the probability that he'd get shit on himself. Sam pulled the clean bed apart. 

Thinking about my earlier behaviour, I got dressed and washed the poo off the sheet in the laundry sink. Later, when I said I'd put the washing machine on, Sam took over and did it himself.

Sam said he was going to stay up with Otto. I said I was awake by then and that I would stay up with Otto. Sam said I went to bed later than he did and that I should go back to bed. Sam seemed to want to do it, so I, knowing that I probably wouldn't sleep, went back to bed.

I lay in bed with Milo purring at my back and watched the night outside turn to day. I wondered about my earlier behaviour and wondered if I was that selfish person? Am I a selfish person? Maybe, me feeling a little friendless at the moment isn't all in my head? Or, at least, maybe there is a reason for it? And, of course, I couldn't sleep, not then, not that I thought that I was going to.

So, at 6am. I sat up in bed with Milo and my laptop, but strangely, my laptop wouldn't turn on, it was dead. So, I headed downstairs looking for power.

Sam was cuddled up on the couch with Bruno. Otto was asleep in his crate.

I got the power cord and tiptoed to the study.

"What are you doing?" came a voice behind me from the lounge room.

"My laptop is dead, I'm just getting the power cord."

"Are you up now?"

"Yes, I didn't think I would sleep."

"I'm going to bed then," said Sam. And then he was gone.

6.15am. I made coffee and signed into work. Bruno sleeps at my feet. Bruno's my boy. Well, he's Sam's boy too. Bruno lies against the side of my foot keeping it warm. His snoring adds a slight massaging effect to my feet.

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