Tuesday, October 03, 2023

The Energiser Bunny

There is a couch next to my work desk on which Otto is. I was hoping he'd go to sleep. Bruno was hoping he'd go to sleep, before Bruno got off the couch and headed elsewhere.

I'm trying to write a story, which I have going around in my brain and all I have to do is get it out on the page. Do you know how hard it is to write when you have the energiser bunny demanding your constant attention? And I have a really poor memory for writing, if I don't get it down, it just goes out of my head, often never to get it back.

The rain starts to fall.

I got back to work around 9am. I put Otto on the couch next to me, but he never stops. He is like every young gay guy you have ever met, everything goes in his mouth. The couch has its pros and cons, I can watch him closely and he can feel he is with one of us, me, but he is still too small to leave him on the couch unsupervised, as he can’t easily get off without potentially hurting himself. He usually just goes to sleep on the couch after he has eaten, but not today. Oh no, not today.

Bruno comes in and tries to sit on the couch with Otto, but soon Bruno has had enough and he departs for somewhere else in the house.

I put Otto back in his crate. Bruno comes and lies on the couch again, which is where he usually lies all day next to me when I am working.

I am writing the end to Bunny Lends A Hand, one of my Bunny stories. I found it half written so I am essentially writing the end of it. I get some writing done, now I have respite from the 9 week old terrorist.

Otto never stops complaining from his crate, which is unusual. He is usually a good sleeper.

Bruno heads back into the lounge. So, when Otto is quiet in his crate I go and get him and put him back on the couch. He is still not sleeping. He is being a handful. Bounce, bounce, bounce.

Bruno comes back and gets back on the couch and snuggles up to Otto, chewing his head and generally trying to quieten Otto down, until Bruno has had enough again and he heads back into the rest of the house. "Quitter," I call after him.

11.40am. Sam takes Otto upstairs.

11.50am. Sam takes Otto out in the rain to see if he needs to go.

By midday, not wanting to talk too soon, he seems to settle down a bit. Oh… no… spoke too soon. In his crate he goes.

Finally, 12.45pm. The little terrorist is a sleep.

And the rain falls. It fell all day. It was humid and wet, damp and warm, one of those weird days where it left you feeling like anything could happen. Do you know what I mean? The atmosphere up there was unsettled, which led the feelings down here to be unsettled too. I kind of liked it, like it, it's thrilling, in a really gentle, calm sort of way. Ha ha, does that make any sense at all? I don't know.

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