Wednesday, December 25, 2024

It's Xmas

Here I am up early Xmas morning. I've made coffee. I'm reading the news.

Not sure what we'll be doing today, I guess head first in the bathroom cabinet trying to change the cold water tap.

Sam, of course, thinks everything about Xmas is stupid. 

Some religious basis which nobody thinks about any longer, with people rushing about spending money they don't have buying presents for people who essentially don't need them, he says.

Well, yes of course, that is the very basis of Xmas, I say.

He raises his eye brows and gives me a look. (remember, he was bought up as a Buddhist and finding enlightenment where a life based on possessing things, or persons, doesn't make you happy)

Anyway, be that as it may, Happy Xmas.

7.30am. Sam and Bruno were up.

I made porridge for breakfast. I usually have grated apple and honey on the top, but I was out of pink lady apples. So, I headed into the kitchen, where Charlie has bananas. Oh, he’s into health and gym now so he has a stock of food for that purpose.

“I want to eat Charlie’s banana,” I said. I was still thinking about what I could have, and while I would have liked banana, I knew it wasn’t an option. But I did hear what I had said.

So, I kind of deliberately said. “But, I guess, Charlie wouldn’t want me to eat his banana?”

Sam looked at me. “You are talking about yellow fruit, aren’t you?” said Sam.

I laughed, as I saw a tin of peaches in the pantry. “Oh, look, I can have peaches,” I said. Charlie’s banana is safe, I thought to myself.

“Yes, you can have peaches,” said Sam. “I got them for you.”

“Goodo,” I said.

So, I had peaches and honey, mine and Sam’s drag names. 😀

9am. We took the dogs for a walk, before it got hot, it is apparently going to be hot today. All of our neighbours were out walking their dogs at 9am presumably before it got hot.

Everybody says, "Happy Xmas," today, as they see each other. Friends, neighbours, strangers. It doesn't happen any other day, that sort of friendly greeting. 

And it is quiet, in the streets, and kind of intimate, like only the real people, the people who matter, well, in the local kind of sense, are greeting you.

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