It was my last meet up with my trainers today. I rode my bike there, of course, it was nice. My last trip to Prahran. I liked the ride, through parks, mostly. Keep away from cars, as much as you can, when you ride, it's the best way.
I met up with girl trainer 2. The head of the program was there too. We did all sorts of tests, on an exercise bike, hooked up to a computer with wires all over me, breathing apparatus attached to my face, plus a blood pressure cuff.
The conclusion was my fitness is significantly improve to when I started this process 6 months ago, improved because of my willingness to engage in exercise.
They said I had been a star pupil.
So, it proves that even moderate exercise improves your health.
Now, I have to continue with my exercise routines, on my own.
I'll have a 12 month review, after which I will be entirely on my own.
I rode home with a certain sense of achievement, which I guess it was. Had. It felt good. A great improvement, they said. So, it had all been worth it then, I had to think. And my ongoing exercise program was worth it too.
It felt like the end of something, which it was, I guess, kind of. I don't know why I felt a kind of nostalgia, silly really. I guess it was because I'd enjoyed the process. I liked girl trainer number one, as well as girl trainer number two.
Who would have thought I'd be doing gym again after stopping however many years ago, I thought, as I pushed my feet on the bike pedals, the tyres making that crunch sound bike tyres make on gravel paths. I guess it was now going to be ongoing. I don't love it like I did the first time around, but I don't hate it. I wonder some times if that's the best it can get? It's good, though, I thought. Good enough.
Today is my gym day, I thought, but I guess I'd done enough working out for the day, so I guess I wouldn't be going to gym today. Not really ideal after getting a good report card. I laughed to myself at the thought. The park path stretched out in front of me rising up in a sweeping incline to the other side of the park.
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