Sunday, January 12, 2025

Then It Rained

After the heat of the last few days, today it poured with torrential rain, washing all the stickiness away.

I went out and stood in it in shorts and t-shirt and bare feet. It was glorious.

Of course, pulling off wet clothes is never fun, but it was worth it, I felt refreshed and revived.

After that, the day felt kind of tropical, as it does, when the rain comes and washes away the heat, but only really washes away some of it and the temperature, although much milder, is still warm enough for shorts and t-shirts. That's the best part of the rain falling.

We ate moo cheese and white nectarines and drank coffee and lazed about in the mildly warm afternoon, each showing the other funny things we found online.

The bulldogs snored. Life wouldn't be complete without the sound of a bulldog snore.

We ate good food, isn't that weekends are for. Stir fry beef and mushrooms, noodles, and yogurt with fresh cut up fruit, blueberries, strawberries, peaches and nectarines.

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