Saturday, March 12, 2011

Joy in your hands

A little dappled sun under the gum trees, a gentle breeze. Soft gravel under my feet. Intelligent conversation with one of my favourite (behind hand, if not favourite) men in the world. Forrest all around me. The birds tweet.

A lovely piece of hand crafted wall in front of me to work on, swish, swish goes the rendering brush in my hand. And with every swish, the transformation is apparent before me.

Magical rock walls beside the driveway, designating where the forest finishes and the house (compound) starts, beautifully. They are, actually, rendered eucalyptus logs, sandstone to match the house in the distance. Four sweeping panels with railway sleeper uprights in between.

There is joy in such hand craftsmanship.

Mark and I have a lovely time.

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