Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Summer is Here

It is a beautiful day, summer is here, where it was winter just last week and we even had an open fire, unheard of for November. (Nah, climate change isn't a thing) But today is gorgeous.

The doors are all open, the air is summery warm, and I am running around with a bulldog mouth wiping towel swatting the flies like a mad thing.

What are they saying? We’re having a La Nina year… um… er… El Nino… um?

·       In December-February 2021/2022, the odds shift to 60% for La Niña conditions, 30% for ENSO-neutral, and 10% for El Niño conditions.

Anyway, the prediction is for a cooler and wetter summer, which  suits me just fine, if the alternative is a really hot summer. We’re going to have enough really hot summers into the future, the very near future at that…

… still with no plan to reduce emissions from the Morrison/Liberal Govt. Still a handful of fossil fuel financed, National Party troglodytes holding the country to ransom.

Shaking my head in disbelief.

Still, it's nice to have warm weather, it's nice to have all the doors open, it's nice to leave winter behind.

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