Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Victoria's Pandemic Laws

These laws are legislation covering pandemics, where previously Victoria had no pandemic laws.

The chief health officer still has to declare a pandemic, as is the case now. At this point the health minister takes over the process of dealing with the pandemic, which could be argued as being more democratic as he is elected official where the chief health officer is not. The Chief Health officers’ recommendations must be published alongside the minister’s rulings. The whole process is overseen by parliamentary oversights committee.

So, I’m not really sure what the problem is with these laws other than political motivation by anti vaxxers and the right wing opposition.

There are some minor issues of how to deal with recalcitrants, those who oppose lockdowns, masks, and those who refuse to get vaccinated, which are the issues you may have heard about regarding lawyers and judges, but it’s a minor issue to the rest of the laws.

And the crux of the paralarva being played out in the streets.

The anti vaxxers want to be given a free pass for not being vaccinated. They are increasingly desperate about this issue because this legislation deals with them. But they should just be treated like flat earthers or conspiracy theorists who claim Martians are walking on planet earth. They have absolutely no credibility to the arguments they put forward. Anyone who chooses not to be vaccinated should rightly be excluded from the vaccinated population of society. Quite frankly, the rest of the population should be thankful for these laws dealing with these misguided souls.

I’ve heard anti vaxxers claiming there is a constant line of ambulances at Jeff’s Shed taking away the injured, that is how delusional they have become. I walk my dogs around the Exhibition Buildings, arguably a bigger hub than Jeff’s Shed, every day, there are no ambulances, nobody is injured, all I see is happy people exiting the building seemingly pleased having been vaccinated.

When you hear these stories, it is hard not to think that their stand is wilful.

Maybe there is a classification under the NDIS for anti vaxxers and their mental health?

And, of course, the state based conservative opposition and the conservative commentators are playing up all the misinformation surrounding the protests for their own benefit.

The Liberal party has been a total disgrace during the pandemic relentlessly playing politics for their own advantage.

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