Thursday, April 28, 2022

I Stopped Smoking

I stopped smoking again today. (It has been a couple of weeks, since LouLou stayed) Apart from the lecture I received from Sam every time I go out to have a smoke, a packet of cigarettes is $40, that's $40 a day to smoke. I don't want to pay that. 

Smoking doesn't make me feel good, in fact, it makes me feel kind of sick, not to mention the head aches, which, I am sure would all go away if I persisted, but, I don't want to persist. I feel much healthier if I don't smoke.

So, I have stopped again.

Despite having quit full time smoking for roughly 10 years, perhaps a little longer, for the last few years, I have smoked for a short time around May, for a week, or so. I don't know what it is about May?

Autumn, the loss of leaves from the trees, the cooling of the temperature, whatever it is, I don't know.

Anyway, now I am lying on the couch with a blanket and Bruno. 24 hours and I'll feel normal again. Good not to have too much to do on a day like today.

Or is that just my advice on life?

Nyr? Whatever. Quiet and warm is best.

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