Friday, April 22, 2022

Thinking Of LouLou

A friend has stayed twice lately, as she is having heart surgery, today, actually, so good luck to LouLou. She smokes like there is no tomorrow, as Sam would say. 

She has washed up when she has stayed, each time using the sponge we use to wipe the benches and clean the floor to wash the dishes. It hasn't half made Sam bristle. He won't let me come in the house with shoes on even, remember.

Sam told me to say something, but with Vladimir's behaviour of late, I resisted. Perversely it made me smile. 

Yes, I know, I'll be eating off them too. But for that brief moment it made Sam squirm, it was worth it. Is that wrong?

I looked at Sam with my you-are-going-to-be-cross eyes. And his beautiful eyes squinted at the first sign of danger, and I got what-are-you-up-to eyes. Just for a millisecond, my guy is smart, as he instantly diverted his gaze to what was going on in the kitchen. 

And I was soon hearing Sam coughed into a request for the sponge to cease as a dish washing implement. "Oh, Lou Lou, ah, ah..." It was music to my ears.

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