Tuesday, November 29, 2022

How Much An Hour

I went to see my surgeon for my 6 week review. I saw him for about 4 minutes and he charged me $215.

I am not complaining about how much he charged me, even if there is a part of me that thinks a follow up consultation should be all a part of the procedure performed, but it got me thinking, how much is that an hour?

That is approx. $2580 an hour.

And, really, that is everything that is wrong with the inequality in the world, right there. Oh yes sure, he did how many years of study at uni? But $2500 an hour's worth? Really?

Oh, yes, I can see why we'd be cutting taxes for high income earners. Poor luvs, hard done by from all accounts.

You know, in the period of time when worker's wages have remained flat, very senior lawyer's salaries have increased from 200 thousand to something like 300 thousand today, and it is their tax payments which we are cutting. The poor things, how the hell would they cope otherwise.

It reminds me of the time a law firm partner screamed down the phone at me, "I can't live on less than 600 thousand a year."

We must give these people tax cuts, it is only fair.

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