Tuesday, November 01, 2022

Cup Day

Actually, a day off right at this juncture doesn't suit me all that much. I still have a shit load of work to catch up on.

Don't think about that, roll a j, pour a coffee and go sit in the garden... despite the weather.

The queens a few doors up have new puppies, I met them formally in the street with the fat boyfriend, with Bruno running down the footpath to greet them off his lead. 

Perhaps today is the first time they have gone out and left them. Maybe, they are at The Cup.

And the pups don't like it, they are very vocal about that. Yay! Let's hope they don't keep that up. 

Half an hour later they were quiet.

Sadly the quiet didn't last.

Bruno stood on the back veranda with big eyes gazing in the direction of the whining.

I dosed myself up all day.

My eye feels no pain. My face is still swollen but going down by the day.

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