Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Beating the AI Scammers

Artificial Intelligence, AI, can now clone your voice after only sampling something like 3 seconds of your voice. And it is so good it can fool you mother, as proven by some guy on the internet whose mother was fooled.

Apparently, some institutions like banks use voice recognition software for security checks to identify customers, so this is a serious thing. 

Hackers have a powerful new tool. Everyone is going to have to be really careful they are not fooled.

Sam and I developed an identification code question and answer to beat AI scammers who might try to impersonate one of us. That is a question that one of us could ask the other to ascertain if it is the real one of us that they are talking to.

The question is,

"What do you want for Xmas?"

And the answer is, "A pair of Taron Egerton's dirty jocks."

No AI scammer is going to get that question right, now are they?

And if you needed an added security question.

"And your follow up answer would be?"

"Preferably still warm… from his bedroom floor."

None of the banks, or institutions, that I use do use voice recognition technology, but that doesn’t mean they won’t. 

I don’t really ever contact the bank, I don’t have any reason to do that. And then we are surprised when the banks close down their branches. All the branches around me have been closed down. There isn’t any of the 6 branches that there used to be still open. We are so close to the city, I guess they expect us to go into the city if we need a branch.

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