Saturday, March 11, 2023

I Fixed My Bike

I got my bike fixed. It had been coming out of top gear which made it not impossible to ride, but really annoying. It had been doing this for some time, and it discouraged me from riding it.

The thing is, I have a 10 speed racer which I have stored away in a garden lock up and I have a mountain bike that a friend who was moving overseas gave me. I told him initially that I didn't want it but then it came to the time for Quentin to head OS and he hadn't done anything with the bike, so he asked me to take it and dispose of it for him.

So, it was just sitting in the back yard, easily able to be ridden, I didn't have to drag it out of the garden shed all the time, like I did my racer.

Then, I found it more comfortable to ride than the racer, it not having racer handle bars had a lot to do with it, and I found I didn't get a sore neck like I did riding the 10 speed, so it is the bike I have really been riding for some time.

So, while it may not be worth anything as such, it was worth something to me as it was the bike I, actually, rode. And I wasn't riding it because of the faulty gear problem.

Of course, it had the more unusual 6 speed gears, rather than the more common 5 speed gears, so the parts were harder to find, and more expensive than they otherwise would have been, of course.

So, 300 and something dollars later, it is fixed. 

I'm back on my bike.

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