Thursday, March 16, 2023

The Silent Treatment

It is a gorgeous day, the sun is shining, there are Simpson's clouds in the sky. I don't think I now have any worries in the world, now that the car thing is cleared up, oh except, Sam is pissed off with me and not talking to me, (I guess people would say that is a big worry, but no, he'll get over it) but other than that, no worries.

I've always been in relationships where we argue, yell, are loud about disagreements, this is the first relationship for me where the silent treatment is used as a weapon, and you know what, I don't really mind it, once I adapted to it. Is that terrible?

I can just retreat into my shell and enjoy the solitude, do what I like, it's kind of peaceful. It is freeing, no one to worry about except myself, I can do what I like, it kind of makes a change.

I know that is terrible. I've tried to combat it in other ways, at the beginning when it happened, appealed, requested, cajoled, sweet talked, and none of those worked, and were ultimately just stressful for me, this way works.

And I am just naturally self-contained, if left to my own devices, so it is somewhere I feel very comfortable.

Now, I am going to put my shoes on, and take my dog out into the sunshine. I might even buy myself a muffin at the French bakery, with no Sam in my ear telling me I don't need it.

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