Sunday, February 09, 2025

Car Jacked

A friend of mine was at a western suburbs shopping centre. He had just got back into his car, having started it, when a group of youths pulled out a machete and he got car jacked.

"Get out of the car," the youths said threateningly.

He got out of the car and just said, "take it." He didn't argue. The car has more insurance than I do, he thought. And the three youths jumped into the car slamming the doors in front of him.

Now, these youths clearly didn't know their cars. My mate drives a brand new Honda Civic Type R. This car looks super sporty, and it is, it is a really hot car, but all Honda Civic Type R's have a manual gear box.

The car's gear box made a terrible grinding sound. The car kangaroo hopped forward and stalled. They re-started it and it kangaroo hopped forward and stalled again. And then the youths jumped out of the car and ran off with their tails between their legs, leaving all the doors open as if the car just vomited the rats out of it.

They couldn't drive a manual gearbox. 

My mate was laughing as he was on the phone to the police.

"Best laugh I have had all week," he said. "No really, it was the funniest thing. Idiots!"

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