What did I do today? I don't know? I think I was discombobulated from working Friday. The week just doesn't seem normal. It wasn't normal.
And the weather turned cold, which was kind of disorienting after all the heat we've had. Where in the seasons are we?
It was just a weird day.
We walked the dogs to the shopping centre and Sam did grocery shopping. Brun, Otto and I sat in the centre entrance, me with my back up against the shop window, writing my journal, holding their leads. Then we bought pork rolls and bought them home for lunch.
That was about it.
Then we did screens sprawled on the couches for the rest of the day. We ate sesame balls and drank coffee.
There is the big, gay street party tomorrow. At the end of our street.
Life goes on.
Otto wants to play ball for how many hours in the lounge room after dinner? He wouldn't stop playing ball in the lounge room after dinner, if he had his way.
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