Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Okay, That's Not Good

Boris calls me in the morning. "Has anyone from the office spoken to you today?"

Instantly, I think I am being sacked. What does that say about me?

In the next instant, I think this is about my non-compliance with the going into the office as now required.

"No," I say. Probably nervously. I don't know, I don't hear myself.

It turns out, she is calling about our beloved boss. "The PooBah has a brain tumour and is as we speak being operated on in an emergency operation."

"Oh, that is terrible, poor PooBah," I say.

"Are you okay?" asks Boris.

Am I okay, I think? What? Oh yes, of course, that is the part we are playing. I mean, seriously, why would I be emotionally devastated by this. I like our boss, but I don't have the brain tumour.

"It is a great shock to all of us," says Boris.

I must play along, and I switch into concerned colleague. "Oh, poor [I use his name, of course] that's awful. Yes, I'm okay," I say. I almost feel like a fraud saying I'm okay.

"It is very serious," says Boris.

Serious for our boss, not so serious for us.

Apparently, the company has hired a psychologist, or someone similar, to attend to any of us incase we are over come with grief. 

Seriously, I think. "Oh, have they, well good to know," I say.

"The Midget is now in charge," says Boris.

Oh god, The Midget in charge, now I need counselling. Little Miss Humourless. Now she could insist I comply with the current in the office requirements. Damn, I think.

A short time later, HR calls to tell me officially.

"That's terrible news," I tell FatBoy from HR.

"I don't want a new boss, the Big Poo is a great guy," I say.

"Yes, our prayers are with him," says FatBoy.

He's going to need more than you stupid prayers, I think. "Yes," is all I could manage to that.

FatBoy reiterates various counselling programs the company has put in place. He says something about prayers more than once.

I thank him and finish the call.

I wonder what this means about my non-compliance with being in the office. The Big Poo had been pretty lenient towards me up until now. The Midget isn't likely to be so lenient. Damn, I think, again.

Everybody loves our big boss, he is kind and funny and good at what he does. He is always interested in all of us.

How about that, you never know, now do you. He is uber successful, he has a happy family life, and kids who, from all accounts, are exceptional like him and successful.

He is sporty and healthy. He goes overseas and does triathlons in his down time. He was supposed to be on holidays OS this week with his wife.

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