Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Medicare Is Only Unsustainable If The Government Of The Day Decides Is Is Unsustainable Due To Ideology, Which Is What We Are Seeing With The One Term Tony AbbottLiberal Government

Medicare is sustainable, to say otherwise is a lie. The only reason that medicare wouldn't be sustainable is if the government of the day decides it is unsustainable, which is what we are seeing with the One Term Tony Abbott Government.

Tony Abbott must be down in the polls again, as our terrorist alert is raised to high.

It is hardly surprising when they are coming out with the following.

Dick head Tony had a $7 copayment to Medicare which no one liked, so he replaced it with what was effectively a $20 copayment. Tony Abbott really is that stupid?

And fat boy "poor people don't drive cars" Joe Hockey thinks he has to bring in tough budget measures because we are going to live until we are 150, with claims like this from Angry Joe it makes it is hard not to think that he has sustained brain damage.

This is a farcical claim as everyone knows that Big Joe only ever has his eye on his 3 year expiry date and his own survival.

The sad truth is that there is no truth in the claim that Medicare is unsustainable.

This year medicare will cost 20 billion, while the tax breaks on superannuation for the rich will cost the government in foregone revenue about $45 billion, which are not being touched in the budget, which is roughly the same amount that is spent each year on the age pension, which the government is also claiming is unsustainable.

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