Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Enough Already

You know what, I could very easily not hear any more about the Gaza/Israeli conflict. I feel sorry for everyone concerned, but that is not going to change anything, is it? 

I just skip over it now when I read the newspaper to the rest of the news. Straight past it. I hit the mute button when it comes on the TV. Or tune out.

When is it going to ever stop? It is like listening to two kids having a continually temper tantrum.

What is the population of that area? Are you telling me there is not one single person who can come up with a solution to the conflict that has been going on for, what? 75 years now?

Oh, enough already. Get back to me when you guys learn to get along.

And now the never ending conflict is infecting the rest of the world with protests in cities around the world.


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