Monday, November 20, 2023

I Cave, Weak As Piss

I'm in the office today.

Boris has sent me an email saying that Big Ange wants to know if I am going to our department team building cooking Xmas function, lunch with Kriss Kringle.

Oh, kill me now, I think. I don't answer.

Boris comes in, not a word about the stupid department cooking Xmas team building function lunch with Kriss Kringle.

We work all day, Boris doesn't ask again.

I am ready to leave, and Big Ange is standing in Boris' office door way chatting, I hang back in my office.

Next thing, Boris is at my office door, oh, here we go, I think. No, nothing, just a chat about something we're working on.

"Okay, see you."

"Bye bye," says Boris.

I have my hand on the door handle to head off the floor - of course it was a false sense of security, I was never going to get away with it, they are relentless about this kind of thing - "Oh, one more thing," says Boris.

I nearly got clean away.

"The department Xmas cooking team building lunch with Kriss Kringle (Of course she doesn't say all of that), are you coming..."

"Oh, seriously..."

"Yes," says Boris.

"Do I have to?"

She smiles. "Yes," she says. I can see her thinking if she has to, then so do I. "You do." She smiles again.

I cave, weak as piss. "Okay."

Boris looks genuinely pleased. (What do you call people who get pleasure from giving misery to others? 😬) "Oh good," she says. "I'll tell Ange."

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