Wednesday, January 03, 2024

It's Dumping On The Hump

Another day of work, my last for the week. I know, you can't feel too sorry for me.

I had a hoodie and track pants on when I got up. I shed the hoodie pretty quickly, and now I've changed out of track pants and into shorts. The rain is falling yet again today. The light outside is that kind of translucent grey glow. It’s one of those cool, wet, warm, muggy, balmy, unpredictable, fresh kind of days dressed up in a big raincoat of light that is cool and silvery bright. We have the windows and doors open. The glass is all fogged up. It is warm, warm for a rainy day. Muggy. I wish I had a dog named Stella. 


(Ha ha, is that a too obscure a reference to Streetcar Named Desire? Okay, sure, it isn't the unrelenting heat of Louisiana, quite yet, but it is still humid, hot, weird hot. Climate change in action. All the climate deniers are still denying climate change when we can, actually, see it happening before our very eyes. What is with that?)


I am pretty much finished by midday. Gotta luv the holidays.

Bruno lies across my feet asleep. He is better than a pair of slippers. Big furry boof.

Sam is out buying shoes.

I hope Sam is bringing lunch home, I'm hungry.

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