Friday, January 19, 2024

It's Nonsense

Everything doesn't happen for a reason, that's just nonsense. It always makes me cringe when I hear people say it.

Where do people get this stuff from? I think it is from a want to be comforted, you know, lull them into some false sense of security that there is a reason for all of this.

So many things just happen randomly, it makes the 'for a reason' argument just laughable.

I guess, the fact that life is pointless – other than to reproduce – doesn't give people a lot of joy. People don’t like the fact that they are essentially pointless. 

It seems to me that people so easily believe bullshit rather than face reality.

People become delusional about somethings. Delusion seems to be a very human condition. It's how Trump and the Liberal Party get elected. It's how religion is sold.

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