Saturday, March 16, 2024

Maybe I'm Weird

Sam got home around 5.30pm yesterday and he clearly wasn't talking to me. And when he decides not to speak to me, it is total.

Sam is still not talking to me this morning and you know what, I don’t really mind it. I used to try and fight it and make him speak to me, on the very rare occasions that this happens, and that was stressful, but now, I find, relaxing into it, I kind of like it. 

I can do silence, it is oddly calming. No need to speak, no need to answer questions, no need to have anything to say. There is a part of me that kind of likes it. It makes me wonder if I'd like one of those silent retreats?

Anyway, you know, being the weird little loner that I, allegedly, am, I'm almost happiest in my own world, just writing everything is nice. And, you know, Sam spends a lot of his time telling me what to do, and this is sort of a relief. 

I could get to like this, I know, maybe I’m weird.

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