Saturday, October 07, 2006

What a Day!

What a beautiful day. Missy is pleased to see me. She's still licking my foot.

At Bolago, they were having seventeen jazz musicians turning up for dinner, they casually told me over breakfast. I just wanted peace and quiet. Mark said I was smoking too much pot, again, to mask his disappointment. Luke said that it must have something to do with drugs and that he smelt a rat. But there wasn't, if you don't count the regret of last night? Quite spooky really, as one thought, as distant as it was, was that I could go out dancing tonight, I've got the drugs, after all.

I felt a bit guilt-targeted, they wanted me to stay. But, I decided that everyone I know act on how they feel and do what they want to, on whim... all of them. I probably made the wrong decision, but when I want to be still, seventeen musos, singing gorgeous songs, making beautiful music, aren't... um... err... what's wanted. So here I am. I'll probably be bored before I know it and want to be back up there... no doubt. (But down here, I have a car)

The weather is sublime.

Bolago station was bathed in golden light. The whimsical Harry Potter'esque architecture of the period train station is just so gorgeous. It's nice to travel by train just to see it and on a near-perfect day, where in the world is nicer? The blond guy, with his girlfriend standing on the platform chatting, just glowed; flawless eighteen year old skin, angelic, baby face, square jaw, blue eyes - beautiful girlfriend. He had dark hair dyed blond long ago, with the black roots well and truly visible, making his mop of hair sparkle in the sun light. He laughed and chatted to his girlfriend. Occasionally, she'd kiss him, which had a direct effect on the front of his eighteen year old shorts. And just in case I didn't see it quite clearly, he absentmindedly grabbed it and gave it a good itch, as he gazed at his chatting girlfriend, completely oblivious. Big and fat, like a banana. The train was forty minutes late. Some how it didn't seem to matter.

There was a message on my answering machine from Manny. Apparently, he turned up in-need-of-cheering-up, sexy laugh, last night, around midnight. Well, there's a thing. 

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