Monday, February 04, 2008

Out and About

Saturday night I went to one of my old mate's fortieth birthday party. We used to party together, Mardi Gras, Red Raw all of the gay parties. More recently, she's got married to a very handsome Italian, she's Italian herself and she's had two, well, Italian kids. A boy and a girl, lovely. She always wanted to be a mother and have kids, but she never really found that the experience lived up to the dream. She found it hard work, almost too much. But I think she is used to it now.

I went with Mark and my step daughter Jane. We walked to the Provincial. All the old gang were there. All the old party crowd, up one end of the table. None of us go out much now, out out, I mean, clubbing out, off our faces out, I guess we've moved on. Kids, houses, businesses, responsible things. It's awful how it gets you, hey? The money thing: set yourself up, work hard, amass wealth, get a head. Buy more things. Money, money, money. I guess we've all done reasonably well.

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