Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Genies and Bottles

If you do dodgy things, keep it to yourself. (my bulldog licking my elbow at this point is not helping the writing process) If there are dishonest practises in which you indulge, participate, don’t admit to them. Nobody wants to hear the tut tut tut. Such admissions only bring criminals undone, open the gates to karma. (Ha ha that is funny if you know my beliefs on karma. Same with being threatened with hell, does nothing to scare an atheist) It is just not good form. 

You are more likely to get caught, as people love to dob other people in. It panders to their inflated sense of right. (So often, though, it applies to everyone else but themselves) 

You know, if you steel money from your dementia affected grandma’s handbag, or take sweets from the slow child next door, none of which I do, what is the point of making it public knowledge, it is only going to give fuel to some nosey narrow minded fool. Be pleased with yourself, you have made it this far, keep mum. 

I thought this the other day when I was doing one of the two things I do, with the second of the things I do in the bag in my hand. You are clever enough to get away with it, now be just as clever to keep it to yourself. 

I was going to write the truth of it on here, but then I decided nobody wants to be confronted with that, just calm your yap, I told myself. I mean, none of you would be in a position to do anything about me and my dodgy (it sounds so much nicer than dishonest, don’t you think?) practices, but once I have put it out there in the public domain, who knows what might happen. You know, genies and bottles, who knows where it leads?

I seldom have the urge to confess, I have the great ability to keep secrets to myself without ever having the need to tell anyone. So I don’t know what I was thinking.

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