Monday, March 05, 2007

Who Cares About the Environment?

The only move our disgusting Prime Minister makes, as far as global warming is concerned, is to roll out a nuclear energy package that will make his rich mates even richer.

This has nothing to do with green house gases, or the environment, it has everything to do with the free market economy and the uranium industry. He stacked an inquiry so he'd only get a favourable outcome for nuclear. The little bastard, 70 year old, Prime Minister is just using it as an opportunity to get enrichment of uranium acceptable with the electorate.

He is still not taking the environment seriously. This is not the time, nor the issue, to be a political opportunist, Howard.

He seems to have been successful, thus far, in hoodwinking the public into believing that nuclear energy is green, in the sense that nobody is challenging him on the claim, when it is any thing but green. It is marginally cleaner that coal, when all things – mining and toxic waste – are taken into account. But it is still trading one filthy fossil fuel for another.

When are we going to get some, actual, inspiration from our leaders on the worlds problems, other than mining the hell out of the planet, shooting anyone who disagrees and licking that great super power America's arse?

You know, I didn't think there was anything left in politics to make me go HEY YEAH! Yes! Yes! YES! YES! YES! (a la Meg Ryan from When Harry met Sally) but there is and it is up to the very good people of Bennelong. Come on guys, do the rest of Australia a favour and give that little fucker, our disgusting Prime Minister, the ignominious end that he truly deserves. Come on, vote in Maxine McKew! Hell, you could vote in Janet Howard’s cancerous cunt, for all I care, just give Mr Sheen the fitting political end that the little wart so truly deserves.

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