Friday, October 26, 2012

Out of There Like The Flash

At 13.43, I got the magic words. “Well Christian, that is all I really have for you… you can go home.”

“Okay, cool.”

“Thanks for all your help.”

“Good working with you. Good luck with the new girl.”

And I was out of there like The Flash. (Scorch marks on the carpet, and all)

The religious nut on the corner handing out pamphlets, as I headed home, said that there was always something to be thankful for.

I'm thankful that my job finished today and that now I can sit on my arse and do nothing, I thought. And I smiled, right then and there in Russell Street after I thought it.

Guido arrived with pot. I have to go see him tomorrow for the other stuff.

“Oh shit sorry, I never gave you a thought with the other stuff. Sure. I can help you, come see me tomorrow at home.

Sam was still unhappy, you see it is his thing, the white goddess, he’s never happy until he has it in his hand.

Another job over. I’ve learned between (the black law firm) and now,

I’ve learned that us queens say a lot things with judgement, it is a part of our humour, it is away of making our way in the world. The mere mortals don’t get it, don’t like it, it gets us into trouble more often than not. All we have to do is drop the judgement to make our way more smoothly in the world.

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