Sunday, November 08, 2015

Buddy and Wolfy

We took Buddy for a walk to the off leash at the commission flats. He played with a big wolfy type dog. The big wolfy type dog came straight over to Buddy with that look on its face. I’m always a little weary of big wolfy type dogs coming straight for Buddy with that look on their faces, but when the two of them were leaping about together and taking turns at pissing on everything in sight, I figured they were fine.

Wolfy’s big, butch, tattooed boy owner was more than a little embarrassed when Wolfy kept getting on top of Buddy and humping him in the middle of the oval. I just laughed and thought, Well Buddy, you always want to play with the big dogs, but Wolfy’s owner ran in and pulled them apart like he wasn’t going to be accused of having a fag dog. Then Buddy gave humping Wolfy a red hot go, he would have needed a stepladder to pull that particular move off, but it didn’t stop me thinking, That’s my boy.

Then big, butch, tattooed boy owner said, "You're dog's very fit, mate, he's in great shape."

And I thought, now I know where Wolfy gets it from. Ha ha. What is it that never falls far from the tree?

"People with their bulldogs, they let them get fat."

"Oh no, Buddy is on a proper diet, he only gets proper food and portions."

"It shows," he said.

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