Friday, May 06, 2016

Have A Nice day

I have had an American phone number calling me for the last week, (it has said United States on the screen every time it rang) which I have ignored, as I ignore all calls that my phone does not recognise. This morning they called again, so I decided to answer, only to hopefully stop them calling again.

(Sweet, apple pie, female voice, West Coast, Los Angeles accent) "Good morning, could I speak to Rachel Green thank you."

"You have the wrong number."

"Oh, but this is the number we have for a sales of (something, I didn't catch what it was) and I just need to confirm some details that we have for Rachel Green before we can..."

"You have the wrong number."

"This is the number that we were supplied with the sales documentation and before we ship the (whatever it was) it is our practice to check the sales documentation for the sales item that was supplied to us by Rachel Green, so I just need to confirm the shipping details of the purchase for Rachel Green before we can more forward with the sales conformation and the delivery of the item to Rachel Green..."

"You have the wrong number."

"Oh, I see. As I have already mentioned, this was the number that was provided to us..."

"You have the wrong number."

"Oh, well, I see. Yes, well, thank you for your help in this matter. I am sorry to have disturbed you in that case, you, please have a nice day for the rest of your day with whatever it is you may be doing. And thank you again for your help in this matter. Have a nice day.

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