Monday, October 23, 2017

I've Learnt How to Write My Points

I've learnt, as a direct result of having arguments/discussions via the written word, via some social media platform, or messaging, how to put my point forward without being aggressive, using bad language, or swearing. It is just as effective to state your case plainly and simply. I'm smart, I can construct an argument. If you swear, or call them the dickheads they clearly are, it just gives them a distraction and an effective "out".  Sticking to your own points and not getting distracted by what the other person is saying, is important too. 

I guess a university education does help a little. I've never given it much credit, I can't really remember it, nor did I enjoy it, but when I see how some people write so unintelligibly, I guess I have to give my education some kudos.

I used to come across as really aggressive, as some of my friends told me, now I employ an ask questions style, rather than a bombardment of what I think. And it works. 😀

We're learning all the time, I guess. My mother always said get an education. My grandmother said never stop learning geography, which in practical terms meant travelling. Be nice, society tells us all now a days. 

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