Friday, December 08, 2017

The Most Disgusting Movie Ever Made

Not so long ago, I was in Cash Converters looking at DVDs when I came across a movie on the cover of which it was stated, "The most disgusting movie ever made." Well, that got my interest. That is a big call I thought, best I buy that and have a look. It is a rape revenge movie, so today when I was home alone, I thought I'd pop it on and have a look.

Sam's and my taste in movies couldn't be more opposed. He likes big action block busters like Transformers, Avengers, Thor and the like, and I like movies that are not that, so he wouldn't want to watch this movie anyway.

Not that this movie is to my tastes. I hate violent movies, but when they make such a claim as the most disgusting movie ever made, well, you just have to give it a go. I'm pretty sure I will turn it off before it gets to the end, but be that as it may, with much trepidation I slid it into the DVD player.

Buddy headed to the back door and to his kennel as soon as the movie started, as if he knew.

Sometime later...
don't go outside. Why are you going outside...

Sometime later...
you go Jennifer!

That was pretty lame. I Spit On Your Grave (1978). It was pretty B grade, kind of amateurish, bad acting, holes a mile wide in the script, but, I guess, it gave a bit of a snapshot of the 1970s.

I see that it has many sequels and a number of remakes. Well, I won't be watching any of them, any time soon.

The sun is shining, I'm off to get lunch.

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