Tuesday, February 07, 2023

Message From Shane

Shane wrote… (He is still in London and has been relatively quiet of late)

Film 80 for Brady

I don’t care what the fuckers say.  I am looking forward to seeing it.  Funny that when I need to comment on a movie about old hoofers I message you and Jules! Haha love you.  Cxx

Christian wrote…

(After getting over my surprise at the actual message) Jane Fonda really needs to quit the plastic surgery, other than that, they are four grand old dames and I’d give it a watch.

Even if it does really look terrible.

Rita Moreno, Sally Field, Lilly Tomlin and Jane Fonda, there is some talent amongst that lot, for sure.

Jane Fonda just looks bizarre, she looks like she has lost her grip on reality.

America really does make some shit.

And, it is about... foot... ball. Seriously?

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