Saturday, October 05, 2024

A Day At The Golf Course

We went to the old Olinda golf course for the day, well, morning. It is now one great big off lead dog park, very cool. Except, at the front where someone clearly insisted that the dog walkers couldn't have it all to themselves and they put in a kids playground, more recently. However, it really is a great place to walk your dogs. 

And the bulldogs loved it. The sun shone for the time we were there, the rain held off despite the rain clouds in the sky. Otto was off his lead for the first time and he made a splendid job of it.

We had a lovely time. It is so lovely, and picturesque. And a great walk, up and down steep hills, good for the legs.

Afterwards we ate lunch in the hills, in Sassafras, beef cheeks and a Ruben Sandwich and coffee, of course. They had cake, I wanted cake, but we didn't end up having cake. The rain fell, but we had huge umbrellas over us and if anything, it was quite nice, dare I say romantic, not exactly, but it had that feel to it. You know, almost cocooned from the effects of the rain falling all around, out in plain sight, in it, not a care.

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