Friday, April 16, 2004

Wedding Bells

Mornin Miss

Here it is, Wedding Day in Wonga Park.

Wish me luck Doll, you never know how that crowd is going to turn out...

Hope your day is just lovely too!

And, it seems you only need to be a footy team captain to get off suspension these days!


Ugly! Wonga Park?

Actually, to tell you the truth, I don't even know where Wonga Park is.

You know, people sue for bodgie photos. Apparently, there are more photographers bashed at weddings than anyone else.

Make sure you get everyone behaving badly. I hope there's a punch up.

Funny if you met your next boyfriend.

Of course, I wish you luck.

I wish anyone luck who leaves the happy confines of the inner suburbs. My auto luck wisher is triggered whenever a loved one crosses. Bell, Dandenong, Church/Chapel, Footscray, street/roads.

Come back safe now, ya hear.


Would that be our blonde pin up boy who got off, or are you talking about the imminent appeal?


shane crawford miss


Yes, as I thought. He's innocent, I TELL YOU!

With my imminent week off, I think I should be contacting Shane about a little relaxation remedy. Do you know if the counter is still open?


I suspect he is Miss! I suspect he is!


the things we do to open wonka bars...

you might see me sooner than you think Miss ☺ although, perhaps not, when I come to think about it...

have a good arvo


You head out of Zone 1 and be it on your own head, missy!


SMS. 1600. Shane, Tom tells me u have wares to sell? As I am about to have a week off, I’m hoping this is still the case? – christian

oh my god poor perry... probably fell over in a drug haze he was bragging about all the e's he was going to take...

Amsterdam is great... it's just like a dolls village... it's really funny but i don't remember much about any of my previous times in london paris or here... it must be that it was so long ago... so it's all nice and new for me to... funny you should say that about Luke he just said that we should go and smoke a big spliff's really weird watching people sitting in the cafe's smoking joints...

we've been ripped off a few times... stupid aussies... once in paris on the train station... and then with the phone we bought... fucks me off cri cri... i'm really too trusting… gotta toughen up me thinks..

Say hi to the gorgeous Aby for us and give her a big squeeze...has she moved in yet... I bet your gonna have a great time with her she's such a doll…

could you give Jane a call for me and tell her that i'm thinking of her lots... i miss her and Jay... Paul Tonker rang before we left home and said that our tax was finished so he's still around... Jane will have his number …

Lukie says spliff time... i can smell it already... lots of love to you.... M and L

You never told me how the plane ride over was, with all of you.

Amsterdam is beautiful, all those canals at dusk. And little bridges and lane ways.

Aby cancelled on me, she had some previous date she'd forgotten about. Although, she did invite me along too, so I suppose cancelling isn't quite the right term.

I worked out the Tom problem and I'll call Jane.

I've taken next week off, to sand the floors. Wish me luck.

Anyway, I'm off to Shane's to get pot. Ever since he sms'd, Red has been clawing at my chair and then he sat in front of my A-drive as if to stop me until I'd been out to collect.

love christian

PS Stop getting ripped off, you nongs

SMS. 18.38, Yes call me to arrange – Shane

The moment after Shane called, Red was stretching up and sharpening his claws on my desk chair. And then a moment later, he was sitting in front of my A-drive, as if to bar any future work. Once a pot cat, always a pot cat.

I had chicken and rice with Shane and Mark W. And then I scurried home.

I hired Adaptation, which was okay. It was clever how it wound the three stories together. But then it turned into a regular Hollywood action adventure. What’s so amazing?

I hired Intimacy, but by the time I got to the second movie, I had consumer a healthy collection of joints.

Aby stood me up for some folk singer and two friends from New Zealand. She said she might come afterwards, but I don’t think she has got me worked out enough. I think when I said, Well, if not to night, I’ll be home all over the weekend. Maybe, she took that to mean not tonight. Hence the movies.

Manny called about midnight, to ask me over for sex. I was honesty too stoned, I was seeing triple, as I looked at the television screen in the dark.

Tom called around midnight, but I couldn’t find my phone. How many joints and in darkness, the was not a light on in the house when the phone ringing crashed my world, bringing reality spinning back in.

SMS. 00.00. I’m smoking dope and watching adaptation – christian

SMS. 12.15. Yay for you – Tom

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