Sunday, February 26, 2006


I think Missy will miss me if Tim takes her with him when he moves out. I did take her over as my cat, before Tim moved back in, under the proviso that she stays here, this was to be her last home. We agreed.

But, she is Tim's cat really, no matter what the agreement. And that was before Tim met Nicholas, who loves animals, even if he does feed Missy twice as much as she needs. A fat cat is a healthy cat, Nicholas says. At thirteen years old, a fat cat is a dangerous situation, that' what I reckon.

You see, Missy adores me, which is no surprise to me, as cats always do. I have the cat thing going on, they recognise it immediately, even cats I have never met before. Don't know why. Maybe I was a cat in a previous life?

And you see, Tim mistreats Missy, not badly, but he does. She hates being picked up and held and all Tim ever wants to do with her is cuddle her. Get a dog, I say. Even when she is moaning with displeasure, he still holds her.

So she comes to me. She is always curled up wherever I am. Tim doesn't like it, all though he doesn't say. But more often, than not, he'll come and collect her from my side and carry her off to wherever he is, moaning all the way.

I just pat her. I never pick her up. Were friends Missy and me. I so hope she isn't taken away. Even if I do say so myself, she likes it here. And I like her.


1 comment:

Bold oy! said...

So you do believe in former lives ;)