Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I sleep better as a non smoker, light and airy, not like I've been poisoned. It's like sleeping on goose down and not like sleeping on chemicals.

I've got warm hands and warm feet. My sinus' have cleared up. My chest feels much clearer. I don't feel like coughing, or clearing my throat.

It's my quiet week at work, so it doesn't matter if my thought patterns go west. I can get pretty vague for the first three days, at least.

But the secret now, is just to stop thinking about it, get it out of my mind.

And day 2, actually, the very worst is over all ready... but, I don't kid myself.


Bold oy! said...

Good for you!
Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Are things tasting and smelling better yet?

Exercise tolerance increasing?

Keep us pegged, so we can follow your lead...