Tuesday, February 11, 2014

One Term Tony

A few weeks ago the government signed what AMWU National President, Andrew Dettmer, called the 'cows for cars' free trade deal with South Korea. We get to export beef to South Korea and they get to make cars for us to import. 

Do you understand now why One Term Tony and his cohorts have wiped the Australian car industry off the map - assigning 50 thousand workers to the scrap heap - while at the same time they are paying money to bail out the farmers.

This morning on the ABC a spokesperson for Toyota said one reason they were pulling out of Australia was because of 'current and future free trade agreements'. 

Currently under negotiation is the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement. As only corporations get to directly input on the secret negotiations it is a fair bet that Toyota management knows more than the rest of us about how these secret negotiations will affect the economy. 

Find out more about the TPP here: http://tppaustralia.org/

The TPP will have as much say on the future of Australia as our federal elections do and almost no one knows about it. Find out more here

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