Monday, June 27, 2016

Who To Vote For

You can really understand people doing a donkey vote, because people want an election, any election, where they can, actually, believe anything any of the canditates say, from any party. People want what the politicians say to actually happen. (No GST, never ever. No cuts to health, education, no change to pensions, no cuts to the ABC or SBS, no change to Medicare, so said the lying Liberals) But, people now believe that this kind of thinking is from some alternate reality somewhere. I would not blame anyone for voting donkey, I see it as an acceptable alternative. In fact, a part of me admires them for doing it. Donkey votes are counted too and it does send a message. So, if that is how you feel, go right a head. However, to vote donkey you have to have gone to the polling booth, so if you have got that far, that's the hard bit. The next bit is easy, scratch a few numbers on the bits of paper provided. And you never know, your vote may count for something.

As long as you put the Liberals last, it doesn't matter who you vote for.

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