Sunday, May 14, 2023

Fixing The Roof

I went to Bunnings yesterday and got stuff to fix my roof. 

It has been leaking ever since Josh did the last work he did up there.

Get Josh back? Well, yes, of course, in a world where things are equal that would be the course of action. But, that was his return visit to fix what was still leaking after his first fix. And at some point you just have to decide that maybe Josh isn't all that good. (Maybe, my thoughts about him were correct, all he is good for is pulling his jocks down over his big arse and giving him a smack)

And as my old gran used to say - that's the gran who was still property developing at the age of 92, and not the gran who drank a bottle of brandy every day to wash down her two packets of Kools, you understand - if you want a good job done, you have to do it yourself.

I got up this morning and sealed and patched what looks like it might be leaking. The work Josh did was a distance from where the new leak was, but I had a couple of theories for that, and I put solutions in place for those too.

We'll see, the next time it rains, I guess.

I'm a roofer. Ha ha.

The sun was out, the gentle autumn sun. It was kind of nice being up there on the roof. It gives you a different perspective on your life, on your world.

A sense of achievement? I'm not sure about that. Maybe? Kind of? We'll see when it rains next. (I don't know what I am doing, I was just giving it a go)

Now, I am going to continue re-writing my short stories from my fiction blog. Three are done, how many to go?

It's a part of my new, um, er, non-work ethic, for want of a better expression, of not wasting my days mindlessly watching YouTube.

I read through my short stories the other day only to realise how bad many of them are, so I have plenty to get on with.

So, best I get going...

Sam has cooked duck for lunch. Yes, I know I am lucky. Sam is a great cook.

The sun is shining, it is a gorgeous day.

The gays from 3 doors up must be out, as their dog is barking incessantly. Yay. (not all that long after this the dogs are quiet)

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